HIFU Body Contouring

The HiFU (High Intensity Frequency Ultrasound) Body Contouring Treatment beams precise and fractional ultrasound energy through the surface of the skin to the deeper subcutaneous tissue (body fat layer).
This treatment delivers 60 – 70C degrees of heat to stubborn fatty areas in the body that are hard to shift. These are could include the stomach, thighs, buttocks, and the back.
HIFU Body Contour treatment will dissolve the fatty cells and eliminate them through the body over a period of time.
HIFU Contour will tighten excess skin and help with cellulite reduction as it smooths out lumps and bumps.
What to Expect from a HIFU Treatment
On the day of your treatment, we will mark out and measure the area. A before photo will be taken and a second photo will be taken on your next treatment to see your progress. Treatments normally take up to 1 hour, but the length of treatments may vary depending on the size of the target area.

We recommend 3 to 4 treatments 6 weeks apart. This may vary depending on the area of concern. If you’d like to know how many treatments you’ll need, you can book a HIFU skin tightening consultation at our Sydney office.
Is HIFU safe?
Yes, HIFU treatments are safe, especially when done by a trained professional. At Cosmedic Professionals, all our dermal therapists are highly trained. We also follow the most rigorous procedures to ensure we complete all treatments safely.

Do HIFU treatments hurt?
HIFU skin tightening and body contouring treatments don’t hurt. Patients may experience a slight tingling or prickling sensation that may be somewhat uncomfortable. The degree of sensation patients experience will depend on the target area.
After the treatment, you may experience some slight redness in the target area. However, this should prevent you from resuming your normal activities.
How much do HIFU treatments cost?
Prices for HIFU treatments will depend on the area we’re targeting as well as the skin’s current condition. If you’d like more specific information, feel free to book a consultation at our Sydney location.
What Areas Can Be Treated?
Love Handles, Bat Wings, Cellulite, Mummy Tummy, Back fat, Buttocks, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs
This is not a weight-loss treatment but a tightening treatment. For best results, we recommend combining it with a healthy diet, infrared sauna and exercise.
Permanent fat loss, improves skin texture and body shape, skin toning and firming.
HIFU Body Contouring Aftercare
To maximise results, we highly recommend following these aftercare instructions:
- Avoid being in extreme temperatures.
- Increase your water intake, and make you’re hydrated at all times.
- Avoid alcohol for the next 48 hours after the treatment.
- Avoid applying non-recommended skincare products to the treated area.